being alive is very much related with being real. and being real means you are trapped in reality. being "trapped" means, of course, you cant do anything about it. so might as well deal with it, make the most of it, and wait until your out. im sorry if that sounded depressing... thats also part of being alive. making mistakes, having no control over other peopl or even yourself sometimes.
once upon a time there was a puppet. this puppet was obsessed with being "real" or being "alive". facinated by what real boys could do, he was promised by a fairy that he would get his wish and become a real boy once he figured out what it truely ment to be one. thats not really fair. we are all real and we didnt make a deal with a fairy, did we? but then again being alive period isnt really fair.
once upon a time there wher two brothers. they lived in a reality where everything had to be equal at all times. that was their one and only truth. but there where some people in this world that could learn to control reality and all chemistry. as long as they followed the rules. the bothers would decide they would learn this skill. then once upon another time their mother dropped from their reality, she was lost. it was against the rules of thier rules to tip the scales and use their powers to bring their mother back. because they tried, they recieved pumishment of not being real anymore. but still trapped in reality. now they spend their days trying to get back what was lost.
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