Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Rolling Girl

ok- yes i know it's a little dark and a little japanese, but it's still a good song! don't judge. so here's the lyrics& enjoy.

A rolling girl is always far away

In her dream world she longs to stay
So much noise buzzing round inside her head
All the worries never end, all the worries never end...

"No problem" is so easily said
but now, is there any meaning left?
She fails once more, fails once more
After searching for the odd one out in the crowd,
she starts spinning again...

One more time, one more time
"I think I will keep rolling on today too"
And so she says, so she says
Making sure that each of her words is sincere

"Are you okay? No, I'm in a daze
Trying to escape but I just don't see the point.
Maybe I should just stop breathing."

A rolling girl feels she has reached the end,
The colours blend and can't be felt
All these voices are fighting to be heard
They're all merging into one, they're all merging into one

"No problem" is so easily said
but now, those words have no meaning left
and how will I stay on the right path?
Even the hill's tempting me to stray from what's right;
make mistakes I'll regret

Now one more time, one more time
"Somehow I'll find a way to keep rolling"
So she says, so she says
Making sure her silent words are sincere

Are you alright? Just give me some time,
and I will do something about all this soon.
You'll see when I stop breathing.

One more time, one more time
"I think I will keep rolling on today too"
And so she says, so she says
Making sure every word is said with a smile

Are you okay? Yes it's okay..
You must be sick of all this, so let's go and 
I will now stop myself from breathing.

just a few quotes.

Stay gold, Pony boy.
               - johnny (the outsiders)

when there's no door, make your own!
- Edward elric

don't believe in yourself. believe in me that believes in you. then believe in you that believes in me. then believe in yourself that believes in you.

there's more than one way to tell a story.
-guardians of Ga'hoole

I don't mind having a few scars as long as I can see them. it's the ones you can't see that sting.
-gray fullbuster

curiouser and curiouser! cried Alice, for she was so much surprised, that for the moment, she quite forgot how to speak proper English.
-Alice's adventures in wonderland

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Hamlet's words.

To be or not to be- that is the question.

Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer

The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,

Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,

And by opposing end them?

To die, to sleep, to sleep, perchance to dream.

Ay, there’s the rub.

The dread of something after death puzzles the will,

The conscience does make cowards of us all

Suckled o’er with the pale cast of thought,

Enterprises lose the name of action.

Be thou all my sins remembered.

yup. Shakespeare had a way with words. hamlet was kind of a confused kid, wouldn't you say? you can't really blame him, though. he's got a lot to deal with. -note that i did not put the whole scene here. that would be a very long blog post.

meet storm

he's been around since the beginning.
but he's not always there.
he helped form the world and also helped to destroy it.

he's ruined baseball games,
responsible for countless deaths and injuries,
and makes noises that scares little children.

but he's also helped living things to survive in deserts,
songs are written about him
and when "things can't get worse" he's there to console you.

some dance with him,
some pull out an umbrella,
some do both at the same time.

the name is Arashitempête, tormenta, Sturm,
or storm.


my friend on Facebook:

       -my mom says i need to be more mature on Facebook.

3-5 minutes later:


yea, i just thought that was funny.